About us

I want to document Max and my journey to becoming healthier, fitter, and more mindful and hopefully inspire others to also follow a healthier path in life. It is so much easier to go for a run or make a change in your diet if you have encouragement from someone who is traying to make similar changes.

Lets be honest here: I am certainly no health guru – I am not even that fit. The reason for starting this site was to motivate people from all fitness levels to think about healthier life choices (which might be different depending on the individual). Max and I made the decision to become vegans for example – that might not feel right for everyone – but there is certainly nothing wrong with cooking a vegan meal once a week (and maybe even use one of our recipes).

Max and I are getting more into (food) photography – So if all that doesn’t seem right for you hopefully you can at least  enjoy looking at our food pics.
